ICEE invites Teachers, Principals, Lecturers, Professors & Environment Lovers to the Webinar on THE HUMAN ENVIRONMENT: AN EXPERTS’ PERSPECTIVE on 16th September from 7.30pm to 9.30pm Malaysia Time (5.00PM to 7.00PM India Time)
Speaker’s Profile:
Speaker 1: Dr Shelly Bhutani (Principal | Mentor | Author, President – WICCI, President – CEA UHU
Topic: Healthy Ecosystems Promote Healthy Life
Speaker 2: Prof. Rogelio Bayod (Director – Research & Publication, Cor Jesu College, Malaysia, Visiting Professor – AUSN)
Topic: Environment and Ethics
Speaker 3: Prof. Suma (AUSN, Vice President – C.A.R.E)
Topic: Environment Education, A Value Based Inquiry
Speaker 4: Prof. Dr. Chan Ngai Weng (President, Water Watch Penang, Malaysia)
Topic: Pandemic Lessons Learnt from Environment
REGISTRATION LINK (IT’S FREE!): https://forms.gle/jhJq2prH45KvuPrE6
JOIN ZOOM MEETING: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9742082258Meeting ID: 9742082258