South Island Garment Sdn Bhd (CSR Programme)

Water Watch Penang has organized a river education program in collaboration with South Island Garment Sdn Bhd’s CSR initiative for two years, spearheaded by Mr. Lee Ming Yeaw, the Facility/HSE Manager. In 2022, the program took place along a river in Tokun Hill, while the venue shifted to Penang Botanical Garden in 2023, engaging the participation of staff from various departments.

During every CSR initiative, South Island Garment Sdn Bhd has generously contributed donations to Water Watch Penang. These funds support the continuous water education activities undertaken by Water Watch Penang, with a focus on highlighting the importance of water conservation both in the public sphere and within schools.

In 2022, Mr. Lee Ming Yeaw and his team personally visited the office to deliver a donation cheque as part of their CSR program focused on water conservation. In 2023, Ms. Chung Kui Yin, the Senior Admin/HR Manager of South Island Garment Sdn Bhd, conducted a mock cheque presentation to Prof. Dato’ Dr. Chan Ngai Weng, the President of Water Watch Penang., during the river education programme.

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