Eco-Wudhu’: Green Action of Islamic Ablution 3.0


Save water and reducing waste was something that has previously been emphasized by many other organisations until today. Life depends on water; hence it is our responsibility to conserve water and develop water resources. Ablution (wudhu’) is a mandatory religious routine for Muslims that is repeated multiple times daily for prayers and other deeds. Typical ablution practices involve cleaning one’s hands, face, mouth, nose, arms, head, ears, and feet. Conservation of water is a religious and national obligation, especially with the scarcity of water resources.

The Prophet Muhammad SAW led a moderate lifestyle. He is the model of a human being that all Muslims should strive to imitate since he never wastes anything. He also urged us not to waste water, even if we are on a river. Eco-wudhu’ is a project to promote green action in performing ablution following the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW and play a more active role in water saving. The researchers found that the average amount of water used for ablution was 4-7 litre at one time, which is much higher than the 1 litre used by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Therefore, this proposal aims to promote greater awareness to practice green ablution among Muslims starting at a young age.


The objectives of this project are (i) to encourage green actions of performing ablution among Muslims; (ii) to promote Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) goals among Muslims in water saving; (iii) to raise collaborative action in water saving with the relevant agencies.


This project will kick off at participating schools that lacked green actions in the Islamic part and its prayer hall (surau) was still using traditional taps for ablution purposes. The school was held in two sessions, students and teachers will perform prayers in Zohor (~1:30 pm) and Asar (~4:30 pm) every school day. Therefore, this school was chosen to increase its water-saving throughout the schools, and it was a good start to promote lifelong education in practising Eco-Wudhu’.

For the year 2025 and 2026, a minimum of two schools in Penang will be educated in each respective year.

The phases of Eco-Wudhu are as follows:

Phase 1

Water Watch Penang will consult with the participating schools in identifying a suitable contractor to change all traditional taps for ablution at the prayer hall into water-saving taps (smaller stream/spray).

Phase 2

Water Watch Penang and University Sains Malaysia will organise a one-day event (morning and afternoon sessions) in participating schools on how to perform Eco-Wudhu’ which will also promote awareness of water saving in general.

Phase 3

Universiti Sains Malaysia will be joined together with participating schools in creating an eco-banner at the prayer hall and school for the campaign of Eco-Wudhu’ and water-saving in their daily life.

Timeline (2025/26):

DateTentative Programme/Schedule
Jan – May 2025/26– Obtaining permission, support and endorsement from University and School
– Identifying suitable contractor for water-saving taps
– Installation smart-saving taps
Jun – Jul 2025/26– Identifying facilitators for one-day event on Eco-Wudhu’ and water saving
– One-day event at participating schools
Aug – Dec 2025/26– Identifying suitable areas for eco-banner
– Checking smart-saving taps


Immediate Outputs:

The immediate output as soon as the project ends will result in an increase of awareness from students and teachers at participating schools in performing water-saving ablution and the importance on save water in general. This project will also see positive partnerships between the private sector, NGOs, schools and government agencies. The target output for this project will be:

  1. The prayer hall at the participating schools will have water-saving taps which will be used by at least 300 students and teachers two times a day during the school day.
  2. Participating schools can share its new action towards sustainability with other schools where all parts of the school can contribute to water saving.

Long-Term Outcomes:

This project is expected to produce long-term outcomes in water-saving practices where the other schools can inspire by this initiative and also do the same thing to their schools. Students and teachers who joined this project will share with their family members to save water and the importance of performing water-saving ablution to follow the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

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