On 21st August 2023, the second Xylem Watermark CSR Programme of the year took place in partnership with Xylem South East Asia at SMK Jeram, Selangor. This event followed the first Xylem Watermark CSR Programme held at Penang Free School on February 17, 2023. The programme, conducted in collaboration with WWP, lasted from 11 am to 1 pm and was attended by a total of 120 Form 2 students.
The programme began with a welcoming speech by the Chairperson of SMK Jeram’s education programme. Subsequently, En. Hapiz B Mohd Rosli, Country Head of Xylem Water Solutions Malaysia Sdn Bhd, delivered the opening speech. Mr. Ng Sek Hing, Sales Manager, introduced the main industries of Xylem in South East Asia, and Ms. Mavinia Allagu, an engineer in Applications Engineering & Tender Support for South East Asia and Xylem Watermark Ambassador, introduced Xylem’s CSR Programme, Xylem Watermark.

Before the water education session, Dr. Hong Chern Wern, the Executive Manager of Water Watch Penang, provided an overview of the history and objectives of Water Watch Penang. This introduction set the stage for the water education session, divided into four parts. The initial segment focused on raising awareness about global, national, and local water-related issues, including concerns such as pollution, limited access to water supply, excessive consumption, and climate change. Following this, Dr. Hong introduced the concept of river and water analysis, leading to the formation of four groups for the analytical phase. These groups were guided by staff from Xylem Malaysia, including Mr. Ng Sek Hing, Sales Manager, Ms. Thibah Sankaran, HR Manager, Ms. Amira Mat Saat – Procurement Specialist, and Ms. Mavinia Allagu, Application Engineer. During this session, students had the opportunity to learn about the chemical assessment of water by comparing four different water sources: tap water, RO water, Class 1 river water, and water contaminated with fertilisers. Additionally, Dr. Hong introduced various macro-invertebrates, which serve as indicators of river health.
The subsequent session on water treatment processes was presented by Mr. Lee Seng Chow, Process Design Manager of Xylem. Mr. Lee explained several steps that go beyond the standard water treatment processes covered in the school’s curriculum. Dr. Hong concluded the session by discussing ways in which students could reduce their water consumption through individual actions and the adoption of various technologies.
The final session consisted of a quiz conducted jointly by members of Xylem and WWP. Students who emerged as winners during the quiz session were presented with souvenirs.
Water Watch Penang expresses its gratitude to Xylem South East Asia for the opportunity to be part of the Xylem Watermark CSR Programme. Additionally, WWP would like to thank SMK Jeram, particularly its coordinator, Mr. Mohd Hadi Sallihin bin Mohamed Azmi, for implementing this educational programme.
For more information, you can contact us at info.waterwatchpenang@gmail.com.