30th April 2022: Disted College has organized a program called Earth Day 2022 via Zoom in which 35 participants took part.
Earth Day is an annual event held on April 22nd 2022 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. This year the theme for Earth Day is Invest in Our Planet. It’s a call to action for all from individuals to governments to industry, to innovate and collaborate for a healthy and prosperous planet.
There are four invited panelists. Among them are: President, Disted College, Penang, Adjunct Professor, Wawasan Open University, Prof. Dr. Vikneswaaran Nair, Ecotourism Consultant, Eco-Coach & Tours, Penang, Dr. Marzieh Fallah, President, Water Watch Penang, Professor, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Prof. Dr. Chan Ngai Weng, and Senior Officer, Environmental Education & Outreach (EEO), Penang Green Council, Ms. Ashawani Chinathamby.
Dr. Marzieh, explained that the Penang Tourism Master Plan 2021 to 2030 wants to make Penang a tourist center because one chapter in this master plan is dedicated to sustainable tourism. The vision of this master plan is to make Penang a premier sustainable, diversified, and small tourism destination.
Meanwhile, Prof. Chan, has said that we cannot go green without going blue because water is also important. Water is life; there’s no life without water. Water is the most undervalued, abused, wasted, and taken-for-granted resource. he also added that we should invest in ecosystems because ecosystems provide us with all the ecosystem services, including water.
Lastly, Ms. Ashawani explained Penang’s green agenda, which is she explained what Penang had planned for every year.
Feel free to check the session recording in Youtube.
For more information, please contact Executive Manager, Dr. Hong Chern Wern at hong.wwp[at]gmail[dot]com