Have you ever wondered about the source of the water supplied to your home? Where it comes from? Who supplies the water? How much water do you utilize on a monthly basis?
Well, fret not, as this post will explain what everybody ought to know about reading water bills.
Understanding the system that provides our houses with the essential resources is important general knowledge, as it is part of the fundamentals of home settings. Water supply is crucial as one will not be able to go by completing daily tasks without the usage of water. These are a few objectives to be kept in mind!
In Malaysia, there are various corporations that provide water to our homes as each state has their own water company which is responsible for providing clean, fresh, and drinkable water despite living in the same country. The states also have varied water supply charges, according to the National Water Services Commissions. As for Penangites, the Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang Sdn Bhd’s (PBAPP) provides us with our supply of water.
Now, calculating water bill is not as challenging as you think. Here are some simple steps you can follow based on the infographic below!

When there is a sudden surge in your water bill, it does not necessarily mean the usage of water in the household increased, although that is usually the case. However, more often than not these unforeseen surges could also be due to certain leakages within the household. Here are some tips on simple tests you can do to determine signs of leakages.

For more information regarding water saving measures, please contact us at info.waterwatchpenang@gmail.com or via WhatsApp Business at +6019-5751253
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